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阅读:88868 收藏:46090 时间:2024-12-23 作者:wirwe2421投稿









以湖南大学为例,依据湖南大学本科生毕业设计(论文)查重检测 管理办法(试行)第五条规定:学院须在学生答辩前完成本科生毕业设计(论文)查重检测。根据检测的文字复制比情况,按如下规则处理:文字复制比≤10%,学生可以参加毕业设计(论文)答辩。






The thesis is about the development of Internet technology, which has brought tremendous changes to our lives. It has brought us convenience and efficiency in many aspects, such as communication, learning, shopping and entertainment.

In terms of communication, Internet technology has made it easier and faster for us to communicate with people all over the world. With the help of the Internet, we can exchange ideas with each other through chat tools like and Skype, which can greatly shorten the time we need to communicate with each other.

In terms of learning, the Internet has greatly expanded our knowledge base. With the help of the Internet, we can search for information, learn new knowledge, and broaden our horizons. We can also watch online courses and lectures, allowing us to learn more in a short period of time.

In terms of shopping, the Internet has also brought us convenience. We can now shop online, and many products can be purchased without leing our homes. This has sed us a lot of time and energy.

In terms of entertainment, the Internet has also made it easier for us to access entertainment. We can watch movies, listen to music, and play online games with our friends. This has made our lives more colorful.

In conclusion, the development of Internet technology has brought us convenience and efficiency in many aspects. It has changed our lives in a profound way, and we should cherish and make good use of it.


The paper entitled "The Development of China's Digital Economy" is a study of the development of China's digital economy in recent years. It focuses on how the digital economy has made a great contribution to China's economic growth, and how the digital economy has become an increasingly important part of the economy. It further examines the strategies and policies employed by the government to promote the development of the digital economy, and the challenges that remain. Finally, it provides some suggestions for the future development of the digital economy in China.

The paper begins by discussing the current situation of China's digital economy. It highlights the rapid growth of the digital economy in China, and the impact it has had on other sectors of the economy. It then examines the policies and strategies implemented by the government to promote the development of the digital economy, and how these policies he been succesul in achieving their goals.

The paper then looks at the various challenges that remain in the development of the digital economy. It discusses the need for further investment in infrastructure and the need for improved legal and regulatory frameworks. It also discusses the need for Chinese companies to become more competitive and innovative in order to compete in the global digital economy.

Finally, the paper provides some suggestions for the future development of China's digital economy. It calls for more investment in infrastructure and the promotion of digital innovation. It also suggests that the government should focus on creating a forable environment that promotes the development of the digital economy. It also calls for further research and policy dialogue to develop effective strategies for the development of the digital economy.



1. 翻译质量:翻译的质量是最重要的,翻译必须准确、流畅,没有语法和表达错误,才能保证查重的准确性。

2. 原文与译文的准确性:翻译时,要保证原文与译文的准确性,译文应与原文的意思一致,不能出现误译或偏差。同时,也要注意句子的结构,确保翻译的句子结构与原文一致,以避免查重的误差。


